Writer's Workshop: Yum! Seriously. I Mean It. Trust Me!

For this week's Writer's Workshop, I chose the prompt: Tell us about your favorite homecooked meal growing up. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Stovers What's that? You don't know what Stovers are? Well, I'm not surprised. I don't think I've ever met a person outside my own family who does. This could be attributed to a couple of things... 1. My family is Scottish and though I was born on the North Sea, I grew up in the US. Stovers are Scottish. 2. In Scotland - at least most of the country, as far as I can gather - the dish is not actually called Stovers , but Stovies , so even if you're from there, you might look at me strangely if I said I was making Stovers. But that’s what my mama called ‘em, so that’s what I call ‘em. I also grew up believing there was ONE WAY and ONLY one way to make them. I've since discovered this is not the case (but my way [or my mother's way, really... and perhaps her mother's way, I don't know], is the best wa...