Writer's Workshop: A Blog Post in Ten (Long) Sentences
1. I started blogging back in 2008 and maintained one (if you accept that by 'maintained' I mean 'I wrote sporadically') for a decade (and it changed names once, from ' Diane's Addled Ramblings ' to 'Rambling Toward Clarity,' but for the record, although I rambled quite a lot, I never really made it to clarity, so I probably shouldn't have bothered changing the name). 2. In 2018, I started my current blog, at which (in which?) I've written even more sporadically, but since I really do love blogging (though I accept that you'd be hard-pressed to believe it, given my woeful lack of consistency), I've decided that 2024 will be the year I give it a real go again. 3. So here are a few things about me (that may or may not be interesting) for a whole new community of writers and readers (and perhaps a few old readers and lurkers, all of whom I love). 4. I am much older than I was when I started this endeavor and am coming up (far too so...