Dissension in the Ranks

Last night, based on a short, relatively benign comment on a friend's Facebook page, I was labeled as someone suffering from "Trump Derangement Syndrome." The person who said it doesn't know me at all and to my knowledge, we've never interacted before. Based on what he said, I think he probably creeped on my FB page, and from the precious little I believe he was able to see, I guess he assumed (and, in fact, actually said) that I had to come to this country in order to find a head of state upon whom I could focus my derangement . Erm... (also WTF?) Neither my friend nor I could figure out what on earth he was talking about. My friend told me this person is from the UK but has lived in the US for the past few years. He said this person told him he didn't vote for Trump, nor would he, so his comments (which also referenced cats...?) made even less sense than if he was a die-hard 45 supporter. (It's possible he drinks.) For the record, I do believe ...