Mission Control

I just watched a Martha Beck webinar on finding your mission. I want to believe I have a mission in life. I want to believe I'll find it before I die... like, years before I die, so I can actually fulfill it and not just lay back on my deathbed lamenting. "Well, shit. I really missed that boat!" Martha says we're all probably already living our mission in some way, as it's in our nature (from birth) to gravitate toward it. Yeah. Unless my mission is pinning house plans on Pinterest, I'm thinking I'm not living it yet. She also uses the "Three N" method for figuring it out: 1) Notice what brings joy to your sensibilities; notice what "lights you up." 2) Narrow that field; look for the brightest light. 3) Name it (if you feel the need). Sounds simple, right? Sounds like the advice every life/career coach gives. My problem, though, is that all my lights are pretty dim these days. It's true. Let me list a few of the th...