With a Grateful Heart...
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving (also known in our house as Elastic-Waist Pants Day ). Frankly, I've had mixed feelings about that holiday for a long time, but this year it's enabling to me to take five days off, which I get to spend with my daughter, and I'll have dinner with wonderful friends. So I'm not going to look at it all too closely, shake my head at the excess it seems to inspire, or complain about anything. I'm going to enjoy it. The thing I really do like about Thanksgiving is that also inspires gratitude... and better yet, gratitude spoken aloud. That's pretty nice, really. I try hard (and mostly succeed) to recognize and express gratitude every day, for big and small things. I work in an industry where many people have precious little and/or deal with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, so I find it's necessary for my own well-being to be grateful for what I have; for what I'm given. Today I'm going to list, with a grateful heart, many...